Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Day 672

Breakfast: Frittata with mixed veggies and sausage with cottage cheese on top.  20oz of cold water.

Lunch: Two pulled chicken wraps with guacamole and the kale/broccoli/cabbage mixture along with a banana.

Afternoon snack: Greek yogurt

Dinner: Protein drink and stir fried cauliflower and broccoli with salsa.

So the trip to the gym was a good one.  I did the workout L showed me on Sat.  I lifted some weights but altered my method.  Sat in a chair and kept the weight down.  The weights were just enough that I felt like I was lifting but I wasn't straining.  It worked out great.
I was feeling the run from yesterday but once I warmed up it was all good.  The weather is supposed to be nice for the next few days so I'm thinking of going for a run again before the weekend.  Maybe tomorrow.

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