Friday, March 14, 2014

Day 673

So I didn't go to the gym today.  Instead I went outside and went for a run.  I felt good and it seemed to be okay.  I think that might be the new program for now.  Run on Sun and Tues and the rest of the week go to the gym and either lift or cardio.

Breakfast: Frittata w/cottage cheese and salsa.  20oz of cold water.

Lunch: Two wraps with pulled chicken and broc/kale/cabbage mix with guacamole and salsa.  A banana.

Afternoon snack: Greek yogurt

Dinner: Broccoli and cauliflower stir fry.  Protein drink.  Wasabi trail mix.

So food is coming together and I hope I'm getting it under control.  I'm enjoying the veggies at night and it seems to be satisfying so far.  I will probably re-think this in a few months once it gets boring.  The running is nice as I really feel I'm accomplishing something outside my comfort zone.  And that's a good thing as it shocks the body somewhat and reminds me I can do stuff I don't like.

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