Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day 666.....

Okay can't help it but have to draw attention first of all to the heading.  Day...wait for it...666.  Can I type that?  Of course a silly question as I did just that.

Today was a cardio day at the gym.  I did my usual 15min on the treadmill and 30min on the up right bike with the random setting for the program.  This will be the new workout as I've said for the next 8 weeks.  Then after the operation all bets are off.  It will be like starting over, I think.

Breakfast: Frittata and 20oz of cold water.

Lunch: Fish taco with guacamole and salsa.  Also threw on a kale/broccoli mix of veggie.  Today I zapped it in the micro-wave and it was much better warmed up.

Afternoon snack: Greek yogurt

Dinner: Protein drink and stir fried asparagus and broccoli.  Fast becoming my favorite dinner.  Getting in some protein and then veggie with fiber.

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