Friday, March 7, 2014

Day 668

Today was cardio day at the gym.  Made myself sweat and it was good.  I really miss the kettlebell workouts I was doing before.  At least I know I will be able to start back up sometime in the summer.  After the re-hab from the hernia operation.
So until then it's easy workouts and cardio.  I may even start running again.  Actually I will start running again.

Breakfast: Frittata and 20oz of cold water.

Lunch: Wrap with chicken, guacamole, and the broccoli/kale/cabbage mixture.  I added a bit more of the salad mix with some falafel for a salad to accompany the wrap.

Was full still when afternoon break came along so no snack.

Dinner: Protein drink.  Did a stir fry of broccoli/asparagus/cauliflower.  Really getting this down.  One of my better ideas.

So the cardio was fine.  I did the treadmill followed by the up right bike on random.  I did sweat but as I've said not like the kettlebell workout.  That's okay though as I know I'll get back to it in a while.

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