Thursday, March 20, 2014

Day 679

Going to the gym after work and lifts some weights.  Using the laid back technique L worked up and I'm pretty happy with it.  I still feel like I'm doing the work but not putting stress in the wrong places.  I want us to come up with more of these moves so that when I'm doing the re-hab after the operation I'll have something to ease the into.  The recovery will involve hardly any workouts until I get clearance from the doc, then I want to move forward but not over do it.  Of course I expect L to be watching me like a hawk until we're sure I'm good.

Breakfast: Frittata.  Eggs, mixed veggie, and sausage.  Topped with cottage cheese and salsa.  20oz of cold water.

Lunch: Fish burrito home made.  Used the broccoli/kale/cabbage mix along with guacamole and salsa.  A banana.

Afternoon snack: Greek yogurt

Dinner: Protein drink.  Stir fried broccoli and a slice of bread with peanut butter.  Couple pieces of chocolate.

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