Thursday, January 30, 2014

Day 630

So I ran again today for the third time this year.  Not sure if I'll be ready for the 5K in two weeks but I figure it's better than not doing it at all.  I also went to the gym afterwards and did a good routine for the chest, triceps and shoulders.

Before running and workout: 20oz of cold water.

After running and workout meal: Protein drink, spicy lentil wrap, and pistachios.

Afternoon snack: slice of bread and peanut butter.

Dinner: Home made chicken soup with kale, cauliflower, and cabbage.  Small handful of pistachios.  The soup was made locally and was made without a lot of preservatives like a store bought soup.  It was very good and filling.

So the running is turning into a chore and I'm not to excited about that.  Last year when I was running as training for the duathlon I was looking forward to the biking part of the race.  The running was just part of the whole experience.  This time I'm not feeling it.  Of course it might help if I wasn't doing cycle class (all legs) on Sat and then running on Sunday.  I think I need to adjust my schedule.  It will be difficult though as I will have to run in the dark if I run any other day of the week.  I'll have to figure this out.

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