Friday, January 3, 2014

Day 604

Well it's the last day of 2013.  I've accomplished quite a lot this year and am on track to continue in the coming 2014.  I've laid out most of my goals and look forward to completing them.  As I said more running, weight loss, and biking, among other things.
I didn't work out today and certainly wasn't watching what I ate.  Tomorrow will be a similar type day with no exercise and very possibly the largest breakfast I've eaten in many a morning.

I'm meeting the gaming group for New Years Eve and I expect there to be lots of bad choices available.

Breakfast: Frittata with 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt w/24 almonds

Lunch: Tried to be conservative but ended up eating a rather large lunch.  Had a can of split pea soup with broccoli and quinoa mixed with sausage.  I was still feeling hungry so had four slices of mini bread with hummus.

Dinner: Here's where I ended up eating some crazy stuff.  It was all snacky stuff, like chips and dip.  Also we had a summer sausage sliced up on crackers with cheeses.  I had an adult beverage mixed with soda and then pushed the envelope with more crackers, cheese, and sausage.  I even had a couple of rice crispy treats.

So there we go the end of 2013 and it went out with a burp.  Belt loops were lost and pants were way too tight.  2014 looks like a good year to really lose some more weight and get back to making good decisions about my eating habits.  I'm ready.

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