Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 626

Breakfast: Frittata with cottage cheese and salsa.  Also a cheesy-onion roll and 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt with 24 almonds and blue berries

Lunch: Two fish tacos (again yummy).

Dinner: Protein drink.

So today was the break between Kettlebell class.  So I just did back and biceps.  Made myself sweat.  I am really getting a good workout these days here at the gym.  Between the cycle class and the kettlebell class along with my meeting up with Lorinda I expect to really get in shape.  I do expect it to take time but we have a plan and that plan is succeeding.  At least it seems like it. 
Now I just have to focus on eating better.  Also not sabotaging myself in the food arena.  Gotta watch those weekends with the game group.

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