Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 209

And it's another day of healthy food and workout fun.  I didn't remember to grab my gym bag so when I got to the gym I had to turn around and go home.  On the way I figured I'd do some type of workout at home.  I ended up lifting dumbbells and my kettlebell.  Also I did the "55" workout.  The "55" humbled me in that I was only able to do 25 push-ups correctly and the rest were "knee" push-ups.  The squats were all regulation though.  Oh the last push-up, one, was regulation but really shaky.  It's later and my legs are still feeling a bit weak.  Great workout.  Here is the menu for today:

Breakfast: Egg and roasted chicken sandwich on a skinny bun with avocado and tomato.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Peanut Butter Larabar

2nd snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Spinach salad with a chicken and spinach patty with tomato, quinoa, cauliflower, and yellow zuchinni.  Six strawberries.

3rd snack: Aussie Bite

Dinner: Quinoa salad with a chicken sausage, cottage cheese, and salsa.  Lemon water and a small section of a dark chocolate bar.

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