Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 193

New week and the start of the slightly new program.  Not changing much just the amount of food and when I'm eating that amount.  I felt that for the first day it went rather well.  I had a bite to eat almost every two hours or so.  Didn't go to the gym but went for a bike ride.  It wasn't a long ride as I got off work a bit late but still got in a ride.  Okay here's the food for the day:

Breakfast: Egg and turkey sandwich on a skinny bun with tomato and avocado.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: About two hours after breakfast I had a Peanut Butter Larabar.

Break: Greek yogurt with almonds.  This time I just dumped a handful (about 20-25) in the yogurt.  Before I'd dump enough in the yogurt to be almost almonds with a bit of yogurt.

Lunch: Spinach salad with yellow squash, tomato, cauliflower, and cucumber.  Also threw in a andouille chicken sausage and a hard boiled egg.  The sausage was a bit spicy but tasty. Additionally had a Fiber One bar.

Break: Aussie Bite

Dinner: Quinoa salad made with cucumber, tomato, asparagus, and a red wine vinegar dressing.  I mixed it up with some cottage cheese and salsa along with an Italian sausage.  Then a bit later I had a 100cal bag of popcorn.  I drank water with lemon in it.

Every meal past breakfast was smaller but just as satisying.  This might work out okay but it is the first day of the new way.

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