Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 204

It's the day before weigh in and I'm feeling good.  The fourth belt loop has been appearing on and off during the week.  Will have only worked out five days this week as I let life get in the way.  That's not a bad thing I just had to make sure I was diligent the rest of the week.  As was evident this week I was a bit distracted in my reporting.  I actually didn't record my dinners very well so the record may not be as accurate as I'd like.  Again not a big deal just a bit bothersome for me.  I do know though what I ate today:

Breakfast: Egg and turkey sandwich on a skinny bun with tomato and avocado.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Peanut Butter Larabar

2nd snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Chicken and spinach patty from Costco with an egg, spinach, tomato, pickle, and peanut butter on a skinny bun.  5.5oz can of low sodium V-8 and a Fiber One bar.

3rd snack: Aussie Bite

Dinner: Half of a Turkey, Bacon, Avocado sandwich on wheat bread with Assaigo cheese, pesto sauce, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, olives, pickle, and pepperonis.  Also on a plate not just the bag, chips and a couple of pieces of steak jerky.  Had a Mike's Harder drink.

It was computer game nite so during the evening I also had a single serving bag of popcorn and an apple with two tablespoons of almond butter.  The rest of the night I drank lemon water.

So not as bad as usual.  I would have eaten the entire sandwich but was able to save half for the next day.  The chips worked out fine and I was satisfied with them.  I made the right decision though as I put the sandwich and chips on a small plate and then put the leftovers away immediately.  Both of them did call to me during the nite but I was able to resist.  I resisted mostly by just reminding myself that I really didn't need anymore to eat.  That is starting to work out better.  In the past it was pretty much a crap shoot if I could leave the other half alone.  We'll see tomorrow if it payed off.

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