Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 464

Second day back at the gym.  This time I'm doing the stretching class but I'll try to not over stretch.  I also did biceps and triceps.  I needed to do that as a way of getting back into the workouts.  I felt like I was totally slacking these past two weeks even though I was hurt.  I really want to get re-started on the path but at the same time I need to make sure I don't re-injure myself.  So I take it easy and ease into the workouts.
The weights were easy and I tried really hard to not make the same mistake with the stretching I made at the start of this ordeal.  At the same time I feel the workouts have to make a difference and not just me showing up.

Breakfast: Two eggs, skinny bun, tomato, avocado, and crumbled Gorgonzola cheese with three slices of ham.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24+ almonds

Lunch: Finished off the roasted chicken wrap from Costco.

Dinner: Protein drink and 48 pistachios.  Half a cup of cottage cheese with 2 slices of ham and some pickled asparagus.

So I left the gym feeling good.  I just hope I can keep the feeling going.

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