Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 340

It's the new year.  Looking backwards to this time a year ago is interesting.  I weighed in at @258lbs. Today I weigh in @238lbs.  So in approximately 12 months I've lost 20lbs.  I've gone from wearing 46" waist pants to 42".  I've gone from wearing 2XL shirts to XL shirts.  I feel better and I do look a bit better.  The jury's still out on how well I look but I can see some improvements.  I don't huff and puff when walking up stairs (unless L is working me) and my body in general feels tighter.

So as I've said I don't do resolutions but there are some things I'd like to change or improve on.  One I've mentioned as wanting to drink more water during the work day.  I plan on purchasing a water bottle that will help me achieve that goal.  My work can be so busy that I dont' have time to pick up my water bottle and open it, take a drink and close it.  So I want a bottle that has a straw opening so I don't have to tilt it up, I can just drink.  I'd like to gain arm strength and endurance for shooting and leg strength for mountain biking.  I'd like to expand my social circle to include some potential for meeting the opposite sex.  So there we go some stuff to work on in the coming year.  Oh yeah plus I'd like to continue losing weight and gaining definition with my body.  Come to me in six months and ask me how I'm doing.  I will say I've kept my promise everyday to myself and will continue to keep striving for the future.

So today is the first day of the new year and I started it off with a bang.  Heh, actually I slept in.  I didn't get up until noon.  I still got in a walk but didn't workout per se.  Still it was an hour or so long walk and I felt like I'd done something other than sit in front of the computer all day.  So once I got my self out of bed here's what I did on the food front:

Breakfast/lunch or Brunch: Two egg frattata with broccoli, roasted chicken, garlic, and salsa.  Skinny bun with almond butter and 20oz of cold water.

Dinner: Since I ate breakfast so late I ended up eating nothing until after the walk.  It was later in the evening.  I had a baked potato with broccoli, cauliflower, and onion.  I had made some quinoa for the coming week so added some of that and also the veggie meat.  Instead of sour cream I had some guacamole I made.  It was a big pile of food that tasted great and was an excellent capper to the day.  It was probably a way bigger serving than necessary but I'm getting it out of my system for the coming re-configuration of my eating habits.  It still had a lot of good stuff in it though so I still don't feel bad.  I just won't be eating that amount of food all the time this year.  Portion control is my new mantra, besides TABATA INTERVALS!  Ha got that in there.

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