Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 260

Okay an extra day off from work and I practically did nothing I'd planned on doing other than over indulge in food.  Imagine that. I still worked out but I might as well as not considering what I ended up eating for "lunch" or my after work out meal.  I started the day out by sleeping in a bit later than normal and then proceeded to go down hill from there.  I have a funny feeling that this whole week may be a one step forward two steps back type of week.  Not quite sure why I feel that way but we'll see, I guess.

Breakfast: Cherry Pie Larabar

After workout meal: Shaking my head sadly..I ended up going way overboard for this meal.  I basically had a relapse to the old days.  By that I mean I ate enough food for three people. i can't get down on myself, but it still wasn't a very smart move.  So what did I have that was so bad?  Here's the list.  My one conciliation was I only had a half of a sandwich to go with the rest of the meal.  The rest of the meal consisted of a full order of something called "Cheese Balls".  What are Cheese Balls you ask, well they are exactly what the name conjures up.  A big plate of Hawaiian rolls covered in loads of cheese baked in the oven and on the side a pizza dipping sauce.  It was heaven and hell all wrapped up in one. 

So because I over did it for "lunch" at least I wasn't very hungry for the rest of the day.  I did eat another apple fritter though.  Also had a Skinny Cow small cup sundae and a banana later in the evening.

I was feeling like I was moving backwards a bit today.  Way overdid it for lunch and it's only Monday so I have the whole week ahead of me.  I'll be curious as to how it plays out.  If nothing else I've got Tabata to look forward to.

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