Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 254

New day different day. Did my "get out of bed with barely enough time to get to work" thing today.  I woke up and did my truncated morning routine and headed into work.  Didn't eat breakfast, but had a Larabar when I got to work.  I did drink my 20oz of cold water though.  Here's the rest of the day:

1st snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Low carb wrap with quinoa, broccoli, spinach, carrot shreds, and some BBQ sauce for flavor.

2nd snack: Two slices of toasted whole wheat low carb bread with peanut butter

Dinner: Combo of Greek yogurt, hummus, baby carrots, cauliflower, 5 seed grain cookie, and the rice cake for a snack later.

I did the workout routine L showed me on Sat.  It was fine and I added some extra exercises that she suggested.  I did legs but not squats or lunges as that's why I did this type of a workout, to avoid those types of moves.  I want to give my knees a break from the cardio movements.  Of course with Tabata coming tomorrow I'm trying to save myself for that.  For now that's the day before Tabata plan so that I won't get burned out from over training.  I think I'm happier doing that.  Now I just need to figure out a day or two to do actual weights, I think.

So I'm going to have to think about starting to work in some actual running.  That's so I can start to train for the race in October.  The training is next on the agenda.

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