Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 253

The start of the new work week and I'm setting out to make some changes.  I am hoping to start a new workout regime and help myself not get burned out from over extending myself.  I'm skipping cardio for a day and trying to give my knees and shoulder joints a rest.  I'm using body weight and bands along with the exercise ball to create a workout.  I'm planning on that approach for tomorrow's workout.  Tonight will be cardio as usual.

I'm also trying to continue the eating less method.  So this week will be quinoa burgers as a wrap with spinach and broccoli.

Okay here's the list for today:

Breakfast: Egg and ham patty with a slice of turkey on a skinny bun with avocado and tomato.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: So I didn't eat the Mexicali salad that I had brought to the game on Sunday so I ate it today.  I added a tomato and a quinoa patty.

2nd snack:  Was supposed to be a Larabar but the boss brought in DONUT HOLES!  OMG!  I can't win.  Of course I ate way more than I should have.  It's funny but sometimes you just can't win and definitely I didn't even try to not eat the donut holes.

Dinner: So dinner this week will be a hodge podge of stuff.  First up is cauliflower, baby carrots, and hummus.  Followed by pistachios and the seed bar.  And finished up with a Greek yogurt.  Oh a bit later had a puffed rice cake thing.

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