Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 265

It's the day I meet with L.  As usual she puts me through a workout designed to inspire and elevate my choice of a healthy lifestyle.  I expect for the next nine months that every Saturday we will work on some aspect of training for the race in Oct.  For now it's more of building a foundation for the real work later in the year.  As the race gets closer L will focus on training that will enable me to have a chance of finishing the event.  For me this means that I need to start getting more serious with my casual training.  Granted the race is 10 months ( in a week it'll be 9 months ) away but I think everyone agrees now is the time to start the work.  Which is why tomorrow I'll go and check out Lake Padden (yes I know where it is now).

Breakfast: Greek yogurt with pistachios and 20oz of cold water

After workout meal: Two egg frittata with spinach, tomato, quinoa, cottage cheese, and salsa. 

Late afternoon snack: Pistachios

Dinner: Had a late dinner as I wasn't real hungry.  Broccoli, cauliflower soup with potstickers and cottage cheese. 

As a late snack I had a bag of 100cal popcorn and some mini peppers.  For protein I had three slices of turkey that I normally have for breakfast.

So I hopefully will get back on track food wise here in the next week.  I already feel like today I was a bit better.  After workout meal was pretty typical, nothing crazy or over indulging.

Tomorrow though is back to the old routine of meeting with friends for D&D.  The rumour is there will be sandwich fixin's.  I am planning on eating before I go and taking lots of veggies.  I'm rather confident that I won't over do it but I'm not making any bets at this point.  So we'll see I guess.

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