Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 263

Today I felt like I worked out yesterday.  Imagine that.  It was Tabata! day so I would hope I felt it a bit at least.  Overall a bit more normal in terms of an excellent workout and a bit more conservative food wise.  I didn't completely change my food intake from the past week but had a bit more awareness of what I was stuffing down my gullet.  So at the gym I did some weights and then some cardio.  I've started to use the upright bike and I think today I discovered my new bike session part of the cardio I do.  The upright bike hill program is different than the recumbent bike hill program.  It has a few more hills and valleys.  What that means is that during the valley is where I spin faster for the interval.  Okay here's how I ate my way through the day:

Breakfast: Egg and turkey sandwich on a skinny bun with tomato and avocado.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt

Lunch: Low carb wrap with broccoli, spinach, falafal, quinoa, bacon, and BBQ sauce.

2nd break: Peanut Butter Larabar

Dinner: Here's where I fell off the wagon and succumbed to the call of FOOD.  I finished off the stuffing I'd made over the weekend and supplemented it with cottage cheese, and cauliflower.  Also a bit later ( I guess you'd call this snack #3) I had a 100cal bag of popcorn and some pistachios along with a banana.

I did a back workout that felt really good and I was encouraged that I was able to lift the weight I chose.  It was the weight L had written on the workout sheet.  I followed it up with a 24min ride on the upright bike doing the hill program.  I am curious as to how I will feel tomorrow.

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