Friday, May 4, 2012

Day Ninety-nine

One more day.  One hundred is 24 hours away.  Don't have much to say so will just get to the food of the day:

Breakfast: Greek yogurt with almonds.  20oz of cold water.

Late lunch: A falafal sandwich and some dolma's, five to be exact.  Dolmas are Greek appetizers, grape leaves wrapped around flavored rice.  They vary in size from about your little finger up to your thumb.

Dinner: Had some dolmas again, five. A chicken wrap with a pita, lettuce, tomato and tazike.

I had three dark chocolate clusters, two with cashews and one with almonds.  Not all at the same time but over the course of 4-5 hours.

Today was a no workout day even though when I was out and about I tried to walk a bit further than normal.  So I parked the car farther from my actual destination than normal.  I always try to do that as it seems to be easier to find parking if nothing else and of course I get some exercise.  It's like when you're out shopping at the mall and instead of just riding the escalator you walk it up.  Frankly every bit helps and we all know that but hardly ever follow thru.
Tomorrow is weigh-in day and also Day One Hundred of the experiment.  So we'll check how much I weigh and see what the next one hundred holds.

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