So being on vacation makes this a bit harder to be diligent. I'm catching up on two days, separate entry's but still trying to make it accurate. I went to the gym today and mostly cardio. I am still not pushing to hard as I want my leg/knee to heal completely. I still felt it twinge a bit but way better than last week. I'm sure it helps not to be standing on it all day like when I'm at work. Also getting close to another milestone, day one hundred. Which will be weigh-in day Saturday. So we'll see what the conclusion is at one hundred days. Other than that this is what happened today:
Breakfast: Egg sandwich with feta, turkey on a skinny bun. 20oz of cold water.
After workout: Hamburger made at home on whole wheat bread with turkey, feta, and an egg. Side of cottage cheese topped with salsa. 5.5oz can of low sodium V-8.
Snack: handful of almonds
Dinner: Thursday nite went out with a friend and we ate at a restaurant. I had as an appetizer deep fried pickle and peppers. They were lightly breaded. I had another hamburger this time with cheddar cheese, tomato, lettuce, mushrooms. On the side an order of sweet potato fries, which I didn't eat all of. Ice tea for drink, no alcohol.
So had a late nite Thursday. Went to a midnite movie and didn't get to be until almost 4am. I figure dinner was completely digested by then.
This week has given me some insight into my workouts. I am going to change from doing all cardio to splitting it up between cardio and weights. Alternating so I'm not over stressing body parts. I have a funny feeling this is what happened to my leg/knee. The chiropractor seems to agree about overuse of the joints. So that will be the focus during May. Monday I'll do weights followed by Tues cardio, Weds weights and then cardio on Thurs. Continuing to take Friday off and then hit it again with L on Saturday. Sunday will hopefully be bike riding day as long as the weather cooperates. Cardio week days could also be bike days if the weather is right. By right I mean sunny and warm. Sorry but I'm a fair weather rider, even though I like to ride my bike. Just not in the cold and rain. Especially rain. I will have to figure out how to balance cardio and lower body weight work outs. Maybe body weight work outs for lower body so less stress but L will be my source for that info.
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