Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 111

Yes, a great day today.  Awesome weather and all around upbeat attitude was the rule today.  Left work early and went to the gym.  Didn't feel rushed as I do sometimes.  Had an awesome work out.  Did the lower body routine L set up for me and this time I increased the weight and it felt like I actually was doing a workout.  It's funny the depression I was feeling on Monday came after the workout.  I say it's funny because I thought working out was supposed to help reduce those type of issues.  My thought now is that I didn't work very hard on Monday and thus was unable to combat the depressing feeling I was experiencing.  OK enough about my feelings:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with roast beef, avocado, tomato, and skinny bun.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Wrap with chicken meatballs, cheese, cauliflower, and quinoa.  Also a snack bar that was made up of a million different ingredients.  It tasted good though.

Left work early so no afternoon snack as I went to the gym.

Dinner: Turkey burger(home made by me) on whole wheat bread with tomato, avocado, and an egg.  Seven onion rings from Trader Joe's and small handful of sweet potato fries, also from Trader Joe's.

So went to the gym after work and had a great workout.  Did legs and then two upper body routines.  Felt really good.  My leg/knee is coming along very nicely as it hardly even twinges but I'm still going to take it slow.  Went for a 25 min walk at lunch time today so hoping I can keep doing it as it was fun today.  I started walking and just kept going until the time indicated I should head back.  I am shooting for doing this every day at lunch but if it's raining then all bets are off.

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