Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 116

So a week ago I felt quite different than I do today.  Last week depression, this week matter of fact quite the opposite actually.  Life is so weird.  Pretty much the same situations as last week but such a different outlook makes all the difference.  Which is funny because weight wise I didn't lose any weight this week.  Still,  don't feel like it's a set back.  At least not today.  I think my entry for weigh-in day was a bit down but today not so much.  I guess it just takes perspective and distance.  I'm trying to think about the difference and the only thing I can pinpoint is, cardio.  Last week I did weight training on Monday and today I did cardio.  The cardio I'd been doing for the last few months.  The cardio I stopped doing because of the leg/knee.  I feel like now I can push a bit harder and not worry about the leg/knee as much.  It still has it's moments but overall almost back to normal.  Ok here's the deal for today:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with sliced turkey, tomato, avocado, and skinny bun.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt w/almonds

Lunch: Wrap with steak strips, roasted cauliflower and asparagus, tomato, cheese, and salsa.

Snack: a stick of Landjeager

Dinner: Spinach salad with cauliflower, asparagus, tomato, salmon patty, red pepper, and low fat dressing.  An apple.

See that apple I had with dinner?  I was still hungry after the salad and so went to the kitchen to get something else.  Wasn't sure what I was going to get but possibly something not as good for me as an apple.  I spied the apple and it just felt right.  So I had an apple instead of some chips or something equally as bad.

Went to the gym after work and did cardio.  I skipped the full warm-up I've been doing as I try to tweak my time at the gym.  I can only be there approximately an hour so gotta get busy and get to it.  I think I have to work on that.  My new workout schedule (which has already changed from what I was going to do) will be Mon-Tues cardio, Weds weights, Thurs cardio.  I want to see how that works.  So there we go as I constantly tweak the workouts I'm doing. 

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