Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 104

So first day back at work after eleven days of vacation.  Back on track eating on a schedule and eating better.  Went to the gym during vacation so kept that up but otherwise everything else went out the window.  Still in all only gained three pounds, so not bad in the big picture kinda way.  Alright here's what I found out eating today:

Breakfast: Good ole' egg sandwich with avocado, tomato, and skinny bun.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Asian chicken wrap (only half) and some roasted cauliflower and onion/beet salad from Costco.  Also due to a suggestion from L went for a 25 min walk before lunch.

Snack: Apple Pie Larabar

Dinner: Had to go to an after work meeting and there was Chinese food there.  It was all deep fried stuff and yes I had some but not much.  It actually wasn't very good plus everyone is watching you as you're watching everyone else.  Came home and had some more roasted cauliflower and onion/beet salad.  Then had an apple.

Between the time I got off work and had to go back for the meeting I went to the gym.  I wanted to do a lower body work out (trying to ease back in due to the leg/knee) so I tried out the workout L showed me on Saturday.  It needs work as I felt like I wasn't doing it properly.  Probably need to get L to show me again and work out how much weight to use.  I did go for a walk as part of my lunch hour so took L's advice.  Wasn't real excited but not giving up before even giving it a solid try.  I will probably need to wear real sneakers instead of my work shoes. 

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