Friday, November 1, 2013

Day 543 or Halloween candy be Gone!

Yes it's Halloween and I went to the gym to work it off.  I did the second program that Lorinda wrote up for me based on upper body.  It was back and biceps.  I added some sets by doing a pyramid.  We set up 8,10,12 reps and I then did 12,10,8, back to back.  It was a good workout and I used my time there judiciously.  Good setup for the weekend.

Breakfast: Frittata and 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Still killin' the chicken drumsticks.  Had two.

Lunch: Wrap with felafel's, hummus, lettuce, and taziki.  What? a chicken drumstick?

2nd snack: Not another drumstick?  Yea they're all gone!

Dinner: Protein drink.  Skinny bun with a veggie patty and tomato.  Of course Halloween candy!  Only a few.

This weekend Lorinda is out of town so she suggested I come to the gym and try the spin class.  I'm giving it some thought so we'll see.

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