Friday, November 22, 2013

Day 562

So today is meet with Lorinda day.  We will work on lower body as the upper body workouts are good for now.  I expect a good lesson in lower body.

Breakfast: Frittata and 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and 24 almonds

Lunch: I've been missing sandwiches so this week that's what's on the menu.  I picked up some low carb high fiber bread and added some cheese, turkey, roast beef, tomato, and avocado.  I also had some home made pickled beets.

2nd snack: Slice of bread and peanut butter

Dinner: Protein drink. wasabi peas, and Greek yogurt.  I was not feeling the hunger but still ended up eating a tiny bit more than normal.  Nothing to be concerned about but it still happened.

So we did lower body and I'm confident that it will be a part of my routine in the future.  Again Lorinda hit it out of the park for me.

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