Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day 568

So it's Thanksgiving week and I'm shooting for the gym or working out every day this week.  But...I am already off that schedule as I'm going to the movies tonight after work so no gym today.  Tomorrow is my day with Lorinda and then Weds is back on track with Tabata so I'm expecting to "make up" for not going tonight.  On Thanksgiving day I plan on doing some home work out but we'll see what happens.  Last year I did workout before dinner.

Breakfast: Frittata with tomato, peas, mushrooms, asparagus, and an onion roll.  20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt with 24 almonds

Lunch: Turkey and roast beef sandwich with tomato, avocado, and cheese.  I had a single serv bag of chips and some ice cream.

Dinner: Ate very late after the movie.  One slice of bread with almond butter that was all.

So because the movie started right after I got off work I didn't eat anything substantial.  Actually nothing at all until after 9:30 at night so I was very careful.  I wasn't really hungry though so it worked out.

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