Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 565

So it's the off day and I'm quite happy.  This week has been different with taking Tabata off and meeting Lorinda on a Tues instead of the normal Sat morn.  Tomorrow is Sat and I'll be doing the cycle class.  I hope I can walk afterwards.

Breakfast: Frittata with 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt with 24 almonds

Lunch: Turkey & roast beef sandwich with tomato, avocado, cheese and pickle.  Ice cream.

Dinner: Small pizza from TJ's and tater tots.  Two bowls of ice cream and an adult beverage.

So tomorrow is the cycle class and I expect to come away very sweaty.  I feel this class has become important in my new workout program.  I'm hoping it will help me in my pursuit of getting better on the bike in the real world.  I think it will.  I'm glad Lorinda suggested I try it.  So far she's 100% on class suggestions.  Now if I only had time for some of the other class I should probably be taking.  Getting up at 6am though is not an option!

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