Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 545

So no Lorinda today but on her advice I took the spin class.  WOW.  As I was walking to my car afterwards, my legs gave out twice.  Now that's a workout!  People were cool and helped me get set up so that was nice.  I couldn't keep pedaling at times, I had to rest.  It was reassuring though as people didn't care.  I'm sure they were too busy trying to keep up on their own.  I was in a bit of a quandary though as the seats on these bikes are nothing like the seat on my bike.  I had a few issues a couple of times but overall it wasn't too painful or embarrassing.  My man parts did get in the way at times but....

I'm going to have to try this class again.  I want to build up my leg strength for riding and this seems to be the way to do it.  The standing up portions were the real killer.  I didn't have much trouble with the seated segments.

I didn't eat any breakfast before the workout just drank 20oz of cold water.

After the workout: Egg Mcmuffin, hash brown, and a milk.

Lunch: Lentil wrap with some turkey.

Dinner: Mexicali salad with some turkey.  Ice cream and an adult beverage.

Spent the rest of the day recovering from the early morning class.  I think I felt it more than when I did the race.  Wow but it was really tough.  I do want to keep going but am wondering if I can make the schedule work.  I guess I'll see.

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