Friday, December 6, 2013

Day 576

It's meet up with Lorinda day!  Except it's Tuesday?  Yes we are meeting on a different day due to a schedule change.  That really works for me as that way it's not always the same day.  Plus this Sat which is the next meet up with L day will be our first cycle followed by personal training.  I expect to be wrung out big time!

So we worked on lower body again this time.  I like that we're moving around the body part workouts.  I have a plan for the beginning of the new year that is just around the corner.  I will be working a rotation of upper and lower body parts combined with Tabata and cardio.  We'll see if that will super charge my metabolism.  Plus I hope to get stronger and increase my endurance for riding.

Breakfast: Frittata with 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt with 24 almonds

Lunch: The rest of the week will be spinach salad with cauliflower, chicken (roasted), tomato, cheese, cucumber, peas, avocado, and salsa for dressing.

Dinner: Wasabi trail mix and a protein drink.  A bit later a slice of toasted rye bread and some avocado.

Tomorrow: Tabata!

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