Saturday, April 27, 2013

Day 354

Not much to say today so I think I'll just throw in the food of the day and a short breakdown of the workout.

Breakfast: Two eggs, 3 slices of turkey, tomato, and avocado on a skinny bun.  Carrot/zucchini bread and 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Wrap with 4 slices of roast beef, 2 slices of bacon, avocado, cabbage & red pepper, on a skinny bun.  Single serving size bag of kettle chips.

2nd snack: Grapes and Babybel cheese round

Dinner: Protein drink.  3 quesadillas and a low sodium V-8, 5-seed bar, and asparagus.  The quesadillas were part of a meal provided by the boss for the work meeting after my workout.

It's funny that I only ate three of the quesadillas at the meeting.  I say that because no way would that have been all I ate under other circumstances. Being around people who I'm not comfortable with showing my eating side to is definitely a good weight loss strategy.  And the reason I say that will become obvious in tomorrow's post.

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