Okay a big fail this morning as I couldn't get out of bed. So a bit of a backsliding there but that just means I'll have to get back on track tomorrow. Which shouldn't be too hard as it's Tabata day again. You know I love having Tabata twice a week. It really makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something beyond just going to the gym.
Tonight at the gym I'm going to try to follow L's advice and lift weights. I really would like to see if I can produce some muscle and clean up my flabby body. We'll see. I'm going to do biceps and triceps so tomorrow will tell the story. I did have to laugh (to myself) as the equipment I thought I'd try out was of course the most popular tonight. I finally had to tell a couple of guys that I was good and they could just keep using the bar. I felt bad that they were stressing over the fact that I wanted to use it and they were trying to get in all of their sets.
Here's the food of the day:
Breakfast: So since I got out of bed so late I ended up eating an Apple Pie Larabar at work as my breakfast.
1st snack: Greek yogurt and almonds
Lunch: Again the highlight of the day food wise. Two corn tortillas with cheese, chicken, quinoa, avocado, and salsa. I had a snack size bag of kettle chips also. Plus the bowl of stir fried asparagus and brussel sprouts. Yum.
2nd snack: A banana. Something I thought I was getting tired of but it tasted great.
Dinner: Protein drink followed by a Greek yogurt mixed with some almonds and Chia seeds. I also had a 100cal bag of popcorn.
As I said it felt good to lift some weights tonight. I definitely will continue to mix weight training into the schedule. Not sure if I will get to ride the bike until the weekend as the weather has turned. Still though you never can tell.
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