Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day 351

Tabata!  Yes once again it's that time of the week.  It was a good one tonight, with push ups and legs doing a lot of work.  The instructor even complimented me on doing the push up portion on my toes instead of knees.  It was a push up/row type of movement.  I just felt that I could do it that way.  Which was fine as with Tabata you do the version that gives you a workout not what everyone else is doing.  Interesting though was the fact that she said I was the only one on my toes.  I'm really trying to get the most out of these sessions so it just makes sense if I can do the more difficult versions.  And frankly I can't, so when I can I definitely want to push myself to get the most out of the time.

Today food wise was fine no real surprises other than someone brought in cupcakes and M&M's from a party they had that didn't get entirely eaten.  I didn't succumb to the cupcakes but did dive face first into the bowl of M&M's and came up for air only occasionally.

Breakfast: Two eggs, 3 slices of deli turkey, avocado, and tomato on a skinny bun.  Carrot/zucchini bread from TJ's ala last week.  200z of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and almonds and thus starting
 my feeding frenzy of the M&M's

Lunch: Okay not a bad lunch.  It consisted of a wrap made up of 4 slices of deli roast beef, 2 slices of bacon, some cabbage/red pepper mix, cheese, guacamole, and the yogurt dip from yesterday.  I complimented this wrap with a single serving size bag of kettle chips.  I have to say that this was a great lunch.  The only thing I'd do differently would be to wrap it all up first and then microwave it all together.

Dinner: Protein drink.  Made some cabbage and red peppers and sautéed them with some hot sauce.  I did this on Sunday for the weekly lunches.  I made so much that I can eat it for dinner too.  So I had a bowl of the cabbage/red peppers along with some beef jerky to finish off the dinner.  A bit later had a 5-seed bar.

Tomorrow is supposed to be nicer than the last couple of days so am hoping to get a bike ride in.  I haven't been willing to ride the bike in the crappy weather lately but have high hopes for tomorrow.

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