It's that great day of the week where I get to have someone tell me what to do and like it. (smile) L always has good advice and a kick ass workout. This always gets me back on track and in the mood to really make the changes that will keep me healthy. People don't believe my long term goal when I tell them I plan on living forever. So what I'm doing now with L and what I take away from our time together is all part of that goal.
We discussed my food intake for the week and I talked about my first weigh in for the contest. I had to laugh as I'd once again gained weight. It wasn't much (about 2lbs) but it was still a gain. We've talked a lot about this and I'm pretty much giving up worrying about it. My new short term goal is to keep up the running and weight lifting and everything else will follow.
The weather hasn't cooperated so that I could ride my new bike but I've heard the rumor that next week it's supposed to be nice. If that's the case I'll be riding on the non Tabata days if I can help it.
Breakfast: Peanut Butter Larabar and 20oz of cold water.
After work out snack: 6" Baguette sandwich made with stir fried shrimps, 2 slices of bacon, roasted red pepper, cabbage, guacamole, and red peppers with guacamole to dip. Hmm a trend in this lunch of red peppers. For dessert a half of a dark chocolate bar.
Dinner: A bit of an early dinner as I was hungry and on the weekend the meal schedule is all wonky. So had a wrap (low carb/high fiber) with more shrimps, bacon, this time stir fried red pepper and cabbage along with guacamole. Also had some raw red pepper and guacamole as an appetizer. Drank an adult beverage along while cooking the meal.
Late night snack: 100cal bag of popcorn.
For the weight loss challenge I drank 74oz of water and after the work out with L I rode the recumbent for 20min.
Tomorrow is the running day at Lake Padden and I'm curious to see if I can maintain or beat my previous times from the last two weeks. Two weeks ago I ran it in 36min and last week I ran it in 37min. So we'll see.
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