Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 343 (Back to work tomorrow)

Tried to enjoy the last day before work starts again and I think I succeeded.  I did go for a run around Lake Padden and I did eat the last of the Chinese food from last night.  I made lunch for the coming week and I look forward to it in the next five days.

Lake Padden run: Ran clockwise.  Time: 37min.  One minute off last week but it felt like I was running better.  I will keep it up.

Breakfast: Apple Pie Larabar

After running meal: Finished off the Chinese food from last night.  I ate a chicken leg and thigh (from the coming week's lunches) and mixed that with the shrimp, beef, broccoli, bean pods, carrot, and a cup of white rice.

In the afternoon I tore up the whole roasted chicken that was prepared to go in the lunch salad I'll be having during the week.  During the dismembering I was sneaking a piece here and there.  I also had a banana sandwich.  It consisted of two slices of low carb bread, almond butter and banana.

Dinner: Two pieces of Cod and two cups of stir fried broccoli.  As an appetizer had a small handful of almonds.

So there we go.  Made it thru another weekend with out too much trouble.  I did succumb yesterday to the call of the Chinese food.  I blame that on vacation and so will not beat myself up for that.  Besides it was very tasty. 

I'm feeling quite good about running.  I just have to keep my confidence up and try to maintain the current level of commitment.  I also want to be careful and not try to beat my current time every week.  I think it would be better to try to make the current time but with less effort.  I think for now it's better to get more comfortable with the actual running part then trying to run faster.  I would like to try to run more when I'm actually running.  So need to build up my endurance.

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