Wow 300 days of this blog are just around the corner. I've used this for other musings but the getting in shape postings have been the most important ones I've shared. There have been a few ups and downs but overall a pleasant experience and a learning one also. Today was weigh in day for the weight loss contest and once again I've gained weight! Since this started I've now gained almost 2lbs. I have to say though I'm not taking it hard as I know I've been sick and so am wondering if the different medicines I've had to take are affecting my metabolism. Ha grasping at straws when I again need to just eat less. I really am wondering when I'll figure out that I just can't eat like I did as a young adult. So cheat days are going to have to get kicked in the pants for a while. Maybe that will help my body learn that it's now or never and the long game is what we're shooting for.
It's also that time of the week called Tabata! and as usual I'm enjoying the experience. I will say though that it is part of the disappointment of not losing weight, when I know I'm sweating my ass off in the class. At the same time I still am encouraged as I slip into new clothes that are of smaller sizes than I've worn in 15yrs. I just wish I could really see the results in the mirror.
Breakfast: Egg and ham sandwich with tomato and avocado on a skinny bun. Banana and 20oz of cold water. I'm thinking of changing up breakfast by switching out the banana for another fruit. Not sure yet but it might be worth a try.
1st snack: Greek yogurt and almonds
Lunch: Spinach salad with salmon burger, quinoa, tomato, cauliflower, and salsa for dressing. It was a birthday celebration and so there was cake. I did have two pieces of cake and it was good. Here's where it always gets me. I'm talking about losing weight and then I eat two pieces of cake. Alright they were two different cakes and the pieces were rather small compared to what I'd normally do. Still I had two pieces of cake. I think I need to shut up about losing weight and start actually walking the walk. {sigh}
2nd snack: You guessed it, a piece of cake. This time it really was a very small piece but and I knew it was Tabata night but I still went for it.
Dinner: Hamburger on a skinny bun with a slice of ham, spinach, tomato, avocado, and a dollop of BBQ sauce. Had a banana and a 5.5oz low sodium V-8.
So again Tabata and I tried to pick it up a bit tonight. One of the sessions was push ups and instead of doing knee push ups I went for full on push ups but on an incline so I don't know if they were easier or harder. Instead of having my hands on the floor I was on a riser that was about 4" off the ground. I just know that I was only doing about one and a half by the end. All the way through though I really did try to give it everything I could. That's my new objective for Tabata. And soon it will be two nights a week so I'm looking forward to the results of that.
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