Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 275

I'm trying to get out of bed a little earlier each day and today I got up 5min earlier than I have been.  So a win in my book.  I am also still feeling the weekend workouts in my legs but I'm okay with that.  This will be day two of the great lunch/dinner experiment and I'm looking forward to lunch.  I am starting to feel like I'm coming down with a cold so not sure if I'll make it to the gym.  At the same time I expect "sweating" the cold would not be a bad thing.  So I went to the gym and did cardio but did a shortened version.  Also changed up the recumbent bike routine and chose the random setting.  This is instead of the hill setting like normal.  I didn't do any intervals as part of the routine but it was intense enough that for now I'm okay with that.  Also there's no time limit so I can go longer if I like.

Breakfast: Egg and turkey with bacon sandwich on a skinny bun with guacamole and tomato.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Two mini pizzas with spinach, onion, cheese, and a turkey burger split between the two pizzas.  Mini peppers.

2nd snack: Apple Pie Larabar

Dinner: Was feeling the cold so was not sure what to eat.  Felt like the cottage cheese might be a bad choice (something I vaguely remember reading related to colds and dairy).  So I ended up having a broccoli, cauliflower, mini potstickers, and veggie broth soup.  That was all as I really was feeling the effects of the first day of the cold.  I may not go to work tomorrow so I can stay home and not prolong this.

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