Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 288

So I still can't hear very well.  If you stood two feet away from me and talked in your normal voice I'd have a blank look on my face as I wouldn't know what you were saying.  I went back to the doctor and they prescribed a spray for my nose (that's the way into the inner ear) but I won't be able to get it until later in the week.  The pharmacy doesn't keep it in stock (it's new) and then, it came with a coupon but you have to activate the coupon and the company is closed today.  So sometime by the end of the week I figure I can start on this new drug regime.  The doc told me it could take a few weeks for this to clear up.  Great, not.  Okay otherwise I went to the gym and lifted weights and look forward to the rest of the week.  Here's what I ate today:

Breakfast: Cherry Pie Larabar and 20oz of cold water.

After workout meal: I fried up some Tipila fillets and had one along with the Mexicali salad from TJ's and some quinoa.  I also had some chips and salsa.  And some wasabi peas mixed with nuts.

Evening meal: Wasn't much of a meal as I wasn't really starving.  I had small bowl of chips and salsa.  I also had more of the wasabi peas mixture and washed it down with a low sodium V-8.

I did the upper body workout L showed me a couple of weeks ago.  It's good for me to work that area of my body as I feel it needs some strengthening.  I need to start doing core exercises in the morning again here soon.  We'll see if this week I can try to get out of bed earlier in the morning.  I'm not putting any pressure on but will attempt to cajole myself into getting up.

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