Monday, February 17, 2014

Day 648

So I'm going to try and eat healthier as I'm not working out as intensely until my doctor visit for the hernia.  I'm still meeting Lorinda on Sat (tomorrow) but I'm skipping the cycle class for now along with kettlebells.  This will be weird but I've got to get the issue fixed and then move on with the program.

Breakfast: Breakfast burrito (store bought) and 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: It was a going away party at work for a co-worker so there was pizza (2pc) and chips and salsa along with potato salad.  Then they brought out the donut holes, lemon cake and banana bread.  Which I had some of everything.  But only two pieces of pizza.  Yay me!

Dinner: Invited over to friends for spaghetti and garlic bread.  Had some banana bread and an adult beverage.

Well today I did fairly well on the food front.  Now I just have to keep it up this weekend and beyond.

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