Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day 640

So today will be a workout with weights so I can judge once again how my body reacts to working out.  Other than that everything is a go. 
I also spoke with the nurse who is setting up my new doctor.  I can expect that in the next few weeks I'll be going in for an exam and that's where I'll get some more info about my stomach/hernia.

Breakfast: Frittata with 20oz of cold water.

Lunch: No 1st snack as I'm taking the early lunch to give myself more time.  I have to run an errand, call the nurse, and pick up some dry cleaning.  Oh and eat lunch.  So I ended up getting a couple of slices of pizza.  They were thin crust with all local ingredients so a bit better for me than traditional pizza.  And it was delicious.

Dinner: A slice of bread with peanut butter and a slice of cheese.  Also a protein drink.

So the workout went fine and no issues.  I did the full body workout Lorinda showed me a few months ago.  Basically it combines upper body with lower body all together.  I use it when I'm looking for something different.  Since this week has been weird I figure it's a good one to use.

Tomorrow: Kettlebell! 

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