Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day 639

Kettlebell!  Yes my first class after the weekend adventure.  I felt fine but did go down 5lbs on the kettlebell.  I figured it wouldn't hurt and that way I could gauge how I really felt.  Still eating pre-bought lunch items but otherwise business as usual.

Breakfast: Frittata with 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt with 24 almonds

Lunch: Roast beef sandwich with some chips.

Dinner: Protein drink and pistachios.

So back to a normal workout and food intake.  Well the lunch was a bit out of the norm and frankly tomorrow will be too.  Tomorrow I'll take an early lunch so I can get caught up on things from the weekend.

As I said the workout went fine and I felt fine.  No problems with my stomach and I was able to complete the workout to my satisfaction.  Looks like I'm good to go.  Now I just need to get ready for the 5K this Saturday.  Whee!

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