Sunday, February 9, 2014

Day 641

Kettlebell!  Also the first day of the new pill regimen.  I am starting to take a pill for the high blood pressure that they discovered last weekend.  It's a very mild pill so we'll see what it does.  They told me I would urinate more and maybe feel a bit dizzy at first.  So far neither has been a major factor.  In fact I've not felt dizzy at all.  Wait and see though I guess.

Breakfast: Frittata and 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt with 24 almonds

Lunch: Mahi Mahi burger with an egg and cheese on whole wheat bread.

Dinner: Protein drink and a slice of bread with peanut butter.  Pistachios.

So a good day with on after affects of this pill I will be taking.  I've also been assigned a doctor so that's coming up in the next few weeks.  Kettlebells felt good tonight. I'm looking forward to this 5K fun run on Sat.  Of course I've only ran a few times (less than five and not very far) so we'll see how it shakes out for the actual race.

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