Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day 648

Okay new program.  No Kettlebells until the hernia is fixed.  No heavy lifting and skipping the cycle class also.  There goes my whole workout plan.  But....with that being said I am not wanting to cause anymore issues and I will be seeing the doctor for the hernia next week.  No reason to make it worse or cause me to freak out.  Ha.

Breakfast: Frittata and 20oz of cold water.

1st snack: Greek yogurt w/24 almonds

Lunch: Wrap with falafel, lettuce, peanut butter, guacamole, and tomato.

Dinner: Three scrambled eggs with cheese in a wrap with some ground turkey and onion rings (7).

So I ended up not going to the gym as I want to make sure of what I should be doing at the gym.  So I emailed the nurse practitioner and they said no intense (kettlebell) workouts and stay away from any exercises that focus on the abdominal wall.  Heck that's like the majority of what I do.  So for now I'm skipping out on the gym.  I'll talk to Lorinda and she'll come up with a plan I'm sure.

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