Saturday, February 15, 2014

Day 647

Starting to wonder if I should have asked the doctor about working out.  The hernia isn't bothering me but I figure it might have been a good idea to ask.  The doc knew I work out but there was no specific discussion about what or how I work out.  I'm going to email him to clarify.
Today was back and biceps and it was a good workout.

Breakfast: Frittata with 20oz of cold water

Lunch: Wrap with roast beef, guacamole, tomato, lettuce, and peanut butter.

Dinner: Protein drink and pistachios

So tomorrow is Kettlebells and I'm going to check first before I go.  It might be pushing it even though I've been doing the class for a few weeks.  I guess the doctor has me a bit cautious now.  It should be over in a month or two though so will keep moving on.

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