Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day 160 thru 164

  This entry will cover the next five days. So starting on day 160 it was a day of BBQ. I knew that it was going to be a food heavy day and that was the plan for the next five days. After today it will be a mini vacation and I doubt I will be eating healthy. I’m going to tell the tale in one giant post. The post is going to cover those five days. So started out the first day (160) with a fried egg sandwich on a skinny bun with tomato and avocado and including 20oz of cold water. Then hit the BBQ for an afternoon and evening of goodness. We had hamburgers and hotdogs. There was potato salad and a bean salad. We made some teriyaki chicken and ate some fruit salad. Also chips were present and dip. Rather an all day long feast. Just warming up for the rest of the vacation. Did some drinking too. Had a couple of hard lemonade’s for dessert. So that was day one of five.

  So day two of five started in a similar fashion. Had an egg sandwich on a skinny bun and 20oz of cold water. On the drive to the convention we stopped at a restaurant. I had a cheese burger with onion rings and tatertots for dipping in the tartar sauce condiment.. Also two beers. After checking in at the hotel and looking around we decided it was time for dinner. We ate dinner at a seafood/Chinese buffet. Tons of stuff to eat. Sushi and lots of Chinese food type stuff. Went way over board and just couldn’t stop eating. Ended up going back four times including dessert. Also had a beer and an alcohol drink that had soda in it. I haven’t drank soda for about four months. So this was another treat that I allowed myself. One of many before these next four days are over.

  Day three started out a bit differently. Had to get up at the crack of dawn to register for our weekend of gaming. There wasn’t time for a proper breakfast so I had a couple of Aussie Bites. These little cakes are made up of grains and have Omega3 properties. I also had a low sodium V-8. During the day of gaming I snacked on a mixture of almonds and pistachios. I also ate a couple of Fiber One bars (chocolate chip) and some Peanut Butter Larabars. By the time dinner rolled around I was quite hungry. We went back to the seafood/Chinese buffet. I proceeded to once again have a beer and eat until my body hurt. I had sushi and pork buns and roast duck and roast beef. There was sticky rice and wonton soup. I ate it all. And dessert. They had little squares of chocolate cakes and fruit tarts. There was cheese cake and carrot cake. I ate it all. As we waddled away from the restaurant we decided that we needed some drinks so off to the hotel bar and had B-52's and coffee. We then went up to the rooms and had Rum and Coke’s. At least one if not two mini bags of chips were eaten also while drinking.

  Day four started a bit later than day three but still didn’t eat a real breakfast. Again had an Aussie Bite and thru out the day ate Fiber One bars and the Peanut Butter Larabars. Also ate handfuls of almonds and pistachios. When it came time for dinner we went to a more traditional restaurant and I had a half rack of pork ribs with the salad bar and some potato cakes and mixed veggies. I loaded my plate with the salad bar (continuing the previous nite’s tradition of over stuffing myself) throwing in pasta salads and other not really good salad fixings. After dinner went back to the hotel and had a couple of rum and cokes along with some chips. Had to laugh as even though it was a vacation I still ended up going to bed before midnight and it felt like I was staying up very late. I’m guessing the overload of food was taking it’s toll.

  Day five again was an exact copy of the previous two days. Aussie Bites and during the day Fiber One and Peanut Butter Larabar bars. Today was only a half day so after the game was over we were heading out. We decided to stop further down the road for lunch. We ended up at an Italian place and I had lasagna with a Caesar salad. This time no booze just strawberry lemonade. We also had an appetizer of calamari. After I got home and unwound from the weekend, I decided that I needed a milk shake. So took myself to Dairy Queen and picked up a large milk shake, a mushroom burger, and a small order of fries. The milkshake was great and the burger was rather horrid. I still ate it but that’s the only thing I really regret eating the whole weekend.

  So I didn’t workout for those five days and I could tell. I didn’t watch what I was eating and I really went crazy. The two visits to the buffet were out of control and I figure that’s it for the rest of the year. No more insane eating bouts if I can help it.

I did weigh myself on day two. That was the next day after the BBQ. I had gained 3lbs since last weigh in which was five days before that. I haven’t weighed myself since and will not weigh in until the normal weigh in day which is Saturday. I am meeting L on Thursday for an after work workout. I have high hopes for Saturday and a long bike ride. Here’s hoping the weather holds out, it’s supposed to.

What’s the take away from the 5 day eating extravaganza? Nothing I didn’t already know but had to prove to myself. Eating like I’m 20 and not exercising is bad. Really bad. Can’t do it and shouldn’t do it. Frankly shouldn’t have done it when I was 20. That’s why I’m the weigh I am now. Well onward and upward. It’s getting close to the half way mark and I really want to see some new results. I’m hoping I can find the way to do this. The last five days showed me what not to do and I’m glad I experienced it for that reason.

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