Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 154

  Damn, more cookies.  See day 153.  I didn't go to the gym today as I went to the chiropractor.  I ended up getting a fish sandwich with fries for dinner, instead of my normal salad.  I didn't feel like eating lunch today as I felt a bit off when lunch rolled around.  I had my normal breakfast, egg sandwich, banana, and the 20oz of cold water like I have every week day morning.  I also had the greek yogurt w/almonds for my first snack and a peanut butter cookie Larabar for second snack.  Pretty much an off day for me. 
  L is camping this weekend so I'm on my own for a Sat workout.  I'm hoping I'll be able to get in one of my long bike rides.  Sat will also be a BBQ and a DnD get together.  Both of these are separate from each other.  Could be trouble on the food front.  I'll try to be good though. 

  Next week will be an off week as I have the gaming convention Thurs-Sunday and we'll be roughing it at a hotel.  Lot's of bad choices will be available to tempt me and I know I will give in.  So the rest of July will have to be tough love. 

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