Alright it just gets better and better. What? you say. I'm on a roll with the belt loop bit. Today I'm still putting the belt loop at position number 4. It's been that way all day every day so far. In the past it's been number 4 in the morning but by the time the end of lunch happens it's back to 3 and that's where it stays. So this week is a good week so far. And yes I know it's only the mid point of the week. There's still two more days to go before weigh-in day comes around and I find out if the belt loop translates into weight loss. Here's what happened to help the belt loop stay loose:
Breakfast: Egg sandwich with avocado, tomato, and turkey on a skinny bun. Banana and 20oz of cold water.
Snack: Greek yogurt and almonds
Lunch: Spinach salad with tomato, quinoa, sausage, cauliflower, broccoli slaw, and salsa instead of dressing. I'm liking salsa as it's less calories and I can have more of it.
Snack: Peanut Butter cookie Larabar
Dinner: Mahi Mahi blackened fish sandwich on two slices of whole wheat bread with tomato and avocado. An egg mixed up with quinoa microwaved and a handful of baby carrots. Also two rice cakes.
I did a weight workout and I felt it was a good workout. I worked up a sweat and I did some cardio on the elliptical.
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