Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day 145

Nothing to say today other than my belt is still going to loop #4.  Here's the food of the day:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with turkey, tomato, some almond butter on a skinny bun.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt w/almonds

Lunch: Homemade turkey/sausage meatloaf sandwich with tomato and avocado.  On a third of a baguette and small handful of carrots.

Snack: Slice of whole wheat bread w/peanut butter

Dinner: Spinach salad with cauliflower, tomato, cottage cheese, yellow pepper, meatloaf, and dressing.  Had a small chunk of baguette and an orange.  Had another small chunk of baguette with almond butter.

Went to the gym and did the cardio workout for 40 min.

Ok short and sweet today.

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