Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day 138

Wow.  Have nothing to say today.  Other than it was a much better day today.  I wasn't delayed leaving work so was able to make it to the gym.  Had a good lunch and dinner but had a bit of trouble feeling full with regards to dinner.  Still was able to not go crazy.  Here's what happened in detail:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with tuna salad, tomato, avocado on a skinny bun.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt w/almonds

Lunch: Spinach salad with tomato, cauliflower, quinoa, broccoli slaw, and salmon patty.

Dinner: Spinach salad with tomato, cauliflower, quinoa, broccoli slaw, yellow zucchini, and a chicken sausage from TJ's.  I had a rice cake with the salad and then had another with almond butter and a thin slice of turkey.  I also had an orange.

Had a good workout today.  Did 24min of cardio on the recumbent bike and then did 12 min on the eliptical.  Did both as intervals.  I noticed this week that I've been at the 4th belt loop so far.  Gotta keep it up.  It is only Tuesday though so have to calm down with still three more days to go until weigh-in.

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