Saturday, June 9, 2012

Day 134

Day before and am curious how the week went.  I've felt good all week and kept to a schedule I felt worked.  I did skip the weight workout as a friend and I got together.  I still felt like the rest of the workout week hit the spot.  I'm noticing my clothes fitting looser and keep trying on my skinnier clothes from the past.  Tomorrow is just around the corner so here's how Friday went:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich with tomato, turkey, avocado on a skinny bun.  Banana and 20oz of cold water.

Snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

Lunch: Wrap with chicken and salmon patty, avocado, cauliflower, tomato, grilled asparagus and onion with salsa.

Snack: Cherry pie Larabar

Dinner: A bit of a hodgepodge as I got home late and was scheduled to join friends online for a game.  I fried up some tilapia and Mahi Mahi.  Took two of the fancy dinner rolls from TJ's and made sandwiches.  Actually quite delish.  Later I was still hungry so I cut up an apple and threw a large handful of almonds on a plate and snacked on that.  I also indulged in alcohol and had two drinks of orange juice and vodka. 

This the Friday schedule for now and so need to work on the food and drink I have.  I had planned on the sandwiches but had also wanted some crunchy veggies as side items.  I had some baby carrots and cauliflower waiting but didn't have time to put that together.  Next time for sure.

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