Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day nine

So here we are again.  Not much to say other than another not bad day in battle against overeating.  Ok that sounds pretentious and I'm sorry.  I was thinking earlier about how food can rule our lives.  When I eat something that tastes really good, I want to continue to eat it even if that means I eat until I, well not feel sick but feel wrong.  Does that make any kind of sense?  Eating can be addictive or at least the feeling of satisfaction that comes from experiencing the food in your mouth can be addictive.  Not sure if I'm explaining myself properly.  You want to keep that mental state that comes from a really good hamburger or an awesome pasta dish.  So we continue to stuff our face's until it's too late and we've eaten more food than we normally would have eaten in a week.  Don't laugh you know what I'm saying.  The trick is to realize what is going on before you over do it, but easier said than done.  If you know how to pull that off please let me know and together we'll become rich beyond our dreams.  Speaking of dreams and food, I'm reminded of my childhood and the prediction of the future concerning food.  They portrayed food as a pill and so if you wanted a cheeseburger it would be a pill.  Now my thought is great, except I'd be taking all the pills at once and end up being overweight and when asked saying "but I just eat the hamburger pill like they said".  Alright enough of this on to the food list for today:

Breakfast: see any weekday breakfast and it will be the same thing.  Don't plan on changing any time soon.  I enjoy it too much.
Snack: also same but it can change occasionally so for the record, yogurt and almonds.  Thank goodness no donuts today.
Lunch:  Today I took a serving (my size serving) of the homemade pasta sauce and spaghetti and mixed it with some mini peppers( didn't think I'd forgotten had you) and cauliflower.  Actually quite good and much better than the wrap I had planned on eating all week.
No afternoon snack as I haven't figured that one out yet, like I have the morning snack.
Dinner: Well I passed up a free dinner ( not sure where but it was free) to go to the gym.  I had an idea for dinner but ran into L and she shook that idea right out of my head.  Ended up eating a large salad of romaine lettuce mixed with mini peppers (ha) and cauliflower along with some leftover chicken from lunch, cottage cheese and low cal dressing.  Quite enjoyable.  Oh yeah had the last serving of the Refuel drink, chocolaty.

So as I said, I went to the gym.  I did some incline bench press and regular flat bench press and then headed to the treadmill.  I did 20 minutes at a brisk pace and then did 12 min on the recumbent bike doing intervals on the hills.  Ok done and out.  Tomorrow is another day and I am ready to giterdone.

1 comment:

Rinda said...

Very proud of you for passing up the free dinner to work out instead. I applaud your efforts on keeping up the food journal and good eating. It takes courage and determination to do what you are doing. When you can't muster up any of that, just remember "L" is waitning on Saturday to kick your ass! So, keep up the good fight, it's your health at stake.

In good health,